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JavaScript is a scripting language that can run wherever there is a suitable script interpreter such as Web browsers, Web servers, or the Windows Scripting Host. The scripting environment used to run JavaScript greatly affects the security of the host machine:
  • A Web page with JavaScript runs within a Web browser in much the same way as Java applets and does not have access to host machine resources.
  • An Active Server Page (ASP) or a Windows Scripting Host (WSH) script containing JavaScript is potentially hazardous since these environments allow scripts unrestricted access to machine resources (file system, registry, etc.) and application objects.


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    - ZIP File

    - Worm

    - Windows Scripting

    - Warm Boot

    - Virus Hoaxes

    - Virus

    - Variant

    - Vaccination

    - VBS

    - Tunneling

    - Trojan Horse Program

    - Triggered Event

    - Timestamp

    - Time Bomb

    - TSR

    - System Boot Record

    - Stealth Virus

    - Sparse Infector

    - Sniffer

    - Slow Infector

    - Signature

    - Shareware

    - Shared Drive

    - Self-garbling Viruses

    - Self-extracting Files

    - Self-encrypting Virus

    - Sector Viruses

    - Scanner

    - SMTP

    - Resident Virus

    - Replication

    - Redirect

    - Real-time Scanner

    - RTF File

    - Program Infector

    - Polymorphic Virus

    - Piggyback

    - Payload

    - Password Sniffing

    - Password Attacks

    - PGP

    - Overwriting Virus

    - Operating System

    - On-demand Scanner

    - On-access Scanner

    - Not In The Wild

    - NTFS

    - Mutating Virus

    - Mutant

    - Multipartite Virus

    - Memory-resident Virus

    - Master Boot Sector Virus

    - Master Boot Sector

    - Master Boot Record

    - Malware

    - Malicious Code

    - Macro Virus

    - Macro

    - MS-DOS

    - MP3 File

    - MBR

    - Logic Bomb

    - Library File

    - Key

    - Joke Programs

    - JavaScript

    - Infection

    - Host

    - Hole

    - Hijacking

    - Heuristic Analysis

    - Firewall

    - File Viruses

    - FAT

    - Encryption

    - Encrypted Virus

    - EXE file

    - Dropper

    - Disinfection

    - Direct Action Virus

    - Denial Of Service (DoS)

    - DOS

    - Cookie

    - Companion Virus

    - Cold Boot

    - Cluster Virus

    - Checksum

    - Boot Sector Infector

    - Boot Sector

    - Boot Record

    - Boot

    - Batch files

    - Backup

    - Background Task

    - Background Scanning

    - Back Door

    - BIOS

    - Antivirus Virus

    - Anti-virus Software

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